Sunday, September 23, 2007

When Christo-Jihadists attack

During the Value Voters Debate moderated by Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily a recurring theme kept popping up. Christians asking: 'how are you as the next president going to combat the homosexual agenda.' Another asked: 'What are you going to do about Christian persecution in Africa?' To my astonishment the questions continued. I feel that these particular Chrsitians see themselves as striking back at the government; when, in reality, they are taking one step foward and two steps back.

Indeed, these Christo-Jihadists have truly strayed from the flock. They seem obsessed with legislating morality to all Americans. If homosexuals and porn kings refuse to follow the laws of God, why should they follow the laws of man? The obvious answer is that mans' laws appear to have a more visible and immediate affect than Gods' laws. However, doesn't this indicate that they see the laws of man as more effective than the laws of God?

Thankfully there is a lone voice of wisdom among the Republican tripe. Rep. Ron Paul, the Goldwater Republican who for twenty years has been preaching the message of liberty, steadfastly refused to toe the line with his fellow conservatives. Saying, 'that we can't legislate morality to anyone. If we want to share our goodness, let us do that by setting a good example. If we set a good example they will want to emulate us.'

I think America is ready for Dr. Paul's brand of liberty.

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